message from the president & ceo
Hello Everyone,
As my former boss and dear friend Bill Talbert would always remind us – We are in the Good News Business.  And indeed we in South Florida and the Florida Keys have just so much to be thankful for every day, but no better reminder and blessing than dodging the wrath of Hurricane Ian these past few days.

This said, there is absolutely no good news coming out of Southwest Florida and the Gulf Coast other than lives spared and the now much needed kindness of others. Seeing these images gives us a chilling reminder of the impact and destruction of hurricanes that come ashore in Florida.  And even closer to home, we all know the importance and scale of the tourism and hospitality industry that thrives in Southwest Florida and the majestic Gulf Coast region. Challenges lay ahead for these communities and people we call our neighbors and fellow Floridians.

Information is still being gathered and assessed but it is incumbent that we seek and learn ways we can help respond with our own generosity, resources and never forget, prayers. In the coming weeks I will pledge to you to share information about current and emerging ways your kindness can be extended.
For now, below is a link to some current information that can help you consider an immediate response. I, for one, will be joining others on our senior team to reach out to the Destination Marketing Organizations that dot the region and explore ways we as industry brothers and sisters can assist. Please consider your own avenues to lend a hand.  We have experienced over the decades our own “rebuilding” efforts locally, and we can take some solace in knowing the spirit and resilience of our neighbors and leaders on Florida’s Southwest coast.
Help Efforts for Southwest Florida
My deepest thoughts and prayers to all impacted, including anyone of us locally who have personal or professional ties there.  Let’s all do our part when and where we can.


DW Signature

David Whitaker, President & CEO
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau

Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
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